
Let's get some basic details to begin!

Privacy Policy

Resumekart.com is a website owned and run by resumekart.com (“Resumekart”). All information gathered by resumekart.com is owned by Resumekart.

Resumekart.com Privacy Policy – Overview

RESUMEKART is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We want to provide a safe, secure user experience. The following statement explains our commitment to managing your personal information and sets out how and when personal information is collected, held, used or disclosed. This Privacy Policy only applies to data gathered on resumekart.com web site (the "Web Site"), and does not apply to any other information or web site.

The information we gather on the Web Site may be shared with any of the Resumekart.com affiliated product/services on a worldwide basis in order to deliver the products and services we might offer to employers in future. In this Privacy Policy, "affiliated products/services" shall mean products/services that are controlled by or are under common control with Resumekart. The Web Site may contain links to other web sites over which we have no control. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of other web sites to which you choose to link from our Web Site. We encourage you to review the privacy policies of those other web sites so that you can understand how they collect, use and share your information.

Information About All Resumekart.com Visitors

We gather information about all of our users collectively, such as what areas users visit most frequently and what services users access the most. We only use such data anonymously and in the aggregate. This information helps us determine what is most beneficial for our users, and how we can continually create a better overall experience for you. We may share this information with our partners, but only in the aggregate, so that they too may understand how resumekart.com visitors use our Web Site, and also create a better overall experience for you. We do not disclose information about your individual visits to resumekart.com to any outside parties, except when to the extent necessary or appropriate to comply with applicable laws, rules or regulations or in legal proceedings when such information is relevant.

Information About You and Your Documents Specifically

RESUMEKART is a resume development, career development, consultancy, learning, development, and interview preparation site, we retain your personal information to assist in your career performance or management including finding or retaining work; or to facilitate other services to or by us. For example, when you sign up to use a service, enter into a contest, or purchase a product, we collect more specific personal information about you, such as your name, address, email address, telephone number, your resume, qualifications or career history. If you choose to do so we may also retain sensitive information about you such as information about your membership in a professional or trade association or trade union.

In some cases, you may also provide us with your existing resumes which talk about your professional journey and ambitions. This document will be retained by us, but not necessarily disclosed to a third party without your consent, unless required by Law or the Government. Your professional documents and also the files developed by RESUMEKART will be a part of our database. Your developed documents may be used as Samples for other users and/or the RESUMEKART website after the delivery of your services. We take great pain in creating Samples out of Developed documents and ensure that the samples NOT contain your Private Information which includes, your name, contact information or address. We also try our best to omit information about your present or past employers and any client names. The samples are tried to be used only for the formatting and the representation purposed for prospective clients and showcasing.

We may also ask you for other information, such as information on your interests, your likes and dislikes regarding the Web Site, the types of jobs you are interested in, etc., in an effort to deliver to you the best possible Web Site experience. When you grant us your permission, we will communicate with you regularly with tips, advice and survey information on using the resumekart.com website to help you further your career development ambitions. We also provide you with the option to opt-out of these types of communications at any stage.

Confidentiality and Security
  • We limit access to personal information about you to employees who we believe reasonably need to come into contact with that information to provide products or services to you or in order to do their jobs.
  • "We have physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with the laws prevalent in India to protect personal information about you. We seek to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and Rules made thereunder to ensure the protection and preservation of your privacy.
Use and Disclosure of the Information We Collect

We use the information we gather on the Web Site, whether personal, demographic, collective or technical, for the purposes of operating and improving the Web Site, fostering a positive user experience, and delivering the products and services that we offer.

If you have provided consent for us to do so, we may also use the information we gather to inform you of other products or services available from us or our affiliated companies or to contact you about your opinion of current products and services or potential new products and services that may be offered.

We may use your contact information in order to send you e-mail or other communications regarding updates at the Web Site to contact you about your opinion of current products and services or potential new products and services that may be offered. We may also provide additional communications, promotions and information on new resumekart.com opportunities which may be of interest to you. The nature and frequency of these messages will vary depending upon the information we have about you.

We cannot ensure that all of your private communications and other personal information will never be disclosed in ways not otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. Therefore, although we are committed to protecting your privacy, we do not promise, and you should not expect, that your personal information or private communications will always remain private. As a user of the Web Site, you understand and agree that you assume all responsibility and risk for your use of the Web Site, the internet generally, and the documents you post or access and for your conduct on and off the Web Site.

Choices Regarding the Disclosure of Personal Information to Others
  • We disclose information to third parties only if you consent to such disclosure.
  • We disclose information to companies and individuals we employ to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include hosting our web servers, data, providing marketing assistance, processing credit card payments, and providing customer service. These companies and individuals will have access to your personal information as necessary to perform their functions, but they may not share that information with any other third party.
  • We disclose information if legally required to do so, or at our discretion pursuant to a request from a governmental entity or if we believe in good faith – after considering your privacy interests and other factors – that such action is necessary to: (a) conform to legal requirements or comply with legal process; (b) protect our rights or property or our affiliated companies; (c) prevent a crime or protect national security; or (d) protect the personal safety of users or the public.
  • We may disclose and transfer such information to a third party who acquires any or all of Resumekart.com business units, whether such acquisition is by way of merger, consolidation or purchase of all or a substantial portion of our assets. In addition, in the event Resumekart.com becomes the subject of an insolvency proceeding, whether voluntary or involuntary, Resumekart.com or its liquidator, administrator, receiver or administrative receiver may sell, license or otherwise dispose of such information in a transaction approved by the court. You will be notified of the sale of all or a substantial portion of our business to a third party by email or through a prominent notice posted on the Web Site.
Resumes Database

Your resume will be in our stored in our database once you take our services. When providing information, you agree that our database may/may not be present in India.

Online Security

If you are buying a product from resumekart.com via the Web Site, your personal details and credit card information are scrambled using Secure Socket Layer ("SSL") encryption technology before being sent over the Internet. SSL makes it very difficult for your information to be stolen or intercepted while being transferred. However, we cannot guarantee encryption or the privacy of your personal details and credit card information. When we receive your order, it is kept encrypted until we are ready to process it. We will take reasonable steps to keep the information you provide us secure.


Resumekart does not store or keep credit card data in a location that is accessible via the Internet. Once a credit card transaction has been completed, all credit card data is moved off-line only to ensure that the data/credit card information received is not accessible to anyone after completion of the on-line transaction and to ensure the maximum security. Resumekart uses the maximum care as is possible to ensure that all or any data / information in respect of electronic transfer of money does not fall in the wrong hands.

Resumekart shall not be liable for any loss or damage sustained by reason of any disclosure (inadvertent or otherwise) of any information concerning the user's account and / or information relating to or regarding online transactions using credit cards / debit cards and / or their verification process and particulars nor for any error, omission or inaccuracy with respect to any information so disclosed and used whether or not in pursuance of a legal process or otherwise.


Resumekart.com has areas on the Web Site where you can submit feedback. Any feedback that is submitted through this area becomes the property of Resumekart.com. We may use this feedback at any time for any purposes, such as success stories for marketing purposes, or to contact you for further feedback on the Web Site.


We do not specifically collect information about children. We believe that children should get their parents’ consent before giving out personal information. If you are concerned about your child’s use of resumekart.com, we encourage you to use Web filtering technology to supervise your child’s access to the Web Site. We also encourage you to participate in your child’s experience with getetresumes.com. With a little guidance, the Web Site can prove very useful in preparing your child for part time summer job, as well as providing them with excellent career counselling information.

Privacy Policy Changes

We may make changes to our privacy policy from time to time, and when we make any material changes, we will post those changes on our Web Site so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information, and whether we will disclose it to anyone.

Thank you for using Resumekart.com. We are committed to providing you with the best tools and advice to help you get ahead in your career. We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please contact us through telephone or email info@resumekart.com

Educate yourself against Fraud/Scams

We encourage you to read the following and make yourself aware of the warning signs of the most common kinds of Internet and Email frauds.

There are two types of email scams – 'phishing' and 'spoofing'. In both the cases, the 'from address' is forged to make it appear as if it came from a source that it actually did not come from.

What is Phishing?

Phishing is an attempt by fraudsters to 'fish' for your personal details. A phishing attempt is usually in the form of an e-mail, which encourages you to click a link that takes you to a fraudulent log-on page designed to capture your account/password/personal details. These emails can also be used to lure the recipient into downloading harmful software. Please note that resumekart.com will never ask you to download software in order to access your information. More information about Phishing scams and how you can protect yourself against them is available here http://www.antiphishing.org/consumer_recs.html

What is Spoofing?

Spoof emails usually include a fraudulent offer of employment and/or an invitation to perform a monetary transaction. Such email scams are, unfortunately, common across the world and could target anyone - including unsuspecting jobseekers. The sender's address is often disguised and/or the sender may not have provided the entire contact information, such as, the correct physical address, phone numbers and email ID.

The precautionary measures jobseekers could take to protect themselves against suspected spoof emails have been mentioned above.

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